
Tuesday 20 February 2018

The Tinkering Machine

As I go to bed, I feel the alarm clock pulling at me to turn it on. You won’t wake up without me, it blackmails me. What difference do you make!!! My heart challenges the alarm clock. After all you fail me every time I resolve to make it to places on time. After all I beat you before you ring when I am looking forward to something really important. And thus, my heart asks, what difference do you make little tinkering machine as long as my will is left.

Don’t you think, dear friends, its true? When we go to bed too tired even to make up our mind, don’t you think that’s when the alarm didn’t ring loud enough? When you want to go to school on time, but you want the comfort of those extra few minutes, don’t you think that’s when you snooze the alarm. But when there is an exam, or if it a first day or a birthday, don’t you find yourself waiting for the alarm to go off, so you can wake up?
So, my dear friends I ask you, is this about a well-functioning alarm clock or about your determination? What is a mere ringing bell when you intend to sleep? Are alarms and phones making our life easier? Or is it our dependence on them making our life harder?
Because a ringing bell has nothing to do with waking up. You wake up when you command yourself to wake up. Because when you deceive yourself that you got up late because the alarm was not loud enough, or the alarm didn’t ring, you are only losing control over yourself. When others stop commanding you, that’s freedom. But when you stop commanding yourself that’s slavery of the worst kind. Its like being imprisoned in a room where the door has been open all along.
So, like the heart said, what difference do you make as long as I am beating. Let’s learn to take control of ourselves dear ones. Especially the young ones, because our will doesn’t leave us until our heart stops beating. Your alarm may coax you with a sense of security. A certainty. But see it for what it is. It is only to point out that it is time to wake up, not whether to wake up. That’s your command and yours only. After all what difference does a tinkering machine make!!!

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